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    • 《技术资料》(TI)

    Raman Rxn4 Technical Information

    • 《技术资料》(TI)
    英语版 - 11/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for the Raman Rxn4 analyzer -
    powered by Kaiser Raman technology

    • 《操作手册》(BA)

    Raman RunTime v6.5 Operating Instructions

    • 《操作手册》(BA)
    英语版 - 11/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for Raman RunTime v6.5 software

    • 《操作手册》(BA)

    Raman Rxn4 Operating Instructions

    • 《操作手册》(BA)
    英语版 - 03/2024
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for the Raman Rxn4 analyzer - powered by Kaiser Raman technology

    • 《简明操作指南》(KA)

    Raman Rxn4 Brief Operating Instructions

    • 《简明操作指南》(KA)
    英语版 - 11/2023
    New version available in English

    Quick start guide for the Raman Rxn4 analyzer -
    powered by Kaiser Raman technology

    • 《安装指南》(EA)

    LNG analyzer performance verification kit Installation Instructions

    • 《安装指南》(EA)
    英语版 - 03/2023
    New version available in English

    Instructions for use of the LNG analyzer performance verification kit

    • 《防爆安全指南》(XA)

    Raman Rxn4 Safety Instructions

    • 《防爆安全指南》(XA)
    英语版 - 12/2023
    New version available in English

    Hazardous area certifications and installation instructions
    for the Raman Rxn4 analyzer - powered by Kaiser Raman technology

    • PU(出版)

    Raman data library -- Faster time to market with increased insight, productivity, and data integrity

    • PU(出版)
    英语版 - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    This document provides insight into the core and cGxP
    features of Raman data library (data organization, visualization,
    user management, and univariate analysis for Raman Rxn2
    and Raman Rxn4 analyzers), while also addressing common
    questions regarding the software's functionalities.

    • PU(出版)

    石油・ガスおよび化学産業向け ラマン分光計アプリケーションガイド - ガスストリームおよびLNGの組成分析

    • PU(出版)
    日语版 - 05/2024
    New version available in English

    化学産業および石油・ガス産業におけるガスストリームおよび LNG の組成分析用(Raman Rxn4 アナライザー、
    Raman Rxn5 アナライザー、Raman Rxn-30 プローブ、Raman Rxn-41 プローブを含む)、
    Kaiser Raman テクノロジーによるラマン分光アナライザーおよびプローブ製品ラインアップのご案内です。

    • PU(出版)

    Raman application guide for the life science industry - Trusted composition analysis for the life sciences

    • PU(出版)
    英语版 - 04/2022
    New version available in English

    A guide to our Raman spectroscopy application notes for the
    Life Science industry (featuring the Raman Rxn2 analyzer,
    Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, Rxn-20 probe, Rxn-45 probe,
    Rxn-46 probe, and probe accessory optics (bIO-Optic, Raman single
    use optic system / SUB, immersion optic, non-contact optic).

    • PU(出版)

    Industry standards on gas quality - Raman Rxn5 analyzer (syngas/LNG) andRaman Rxn4 analyzer (LNG)

    • PU(出版)
    英语版 - 04/2022
    New version available in English

    A list of industry gas quality standards that our Raman Rxn5
    analyzer meets for syngas / LNG and our Raman Rxn4
    analyzer meets for LNG.